Setting the mind on God’s interests.

We all heard that the battle is in the mind. What is our mind set on? This is a hard question to answer honestly. It will hurt. If we pass through the pain of this question we will have peace internally, peace with God.

Yes, the battle is in the mind.

Here is a prayer to ask God to give you a mind that is set on things above or in other words on Father God’s interests if you are willing.

What our mind is set on, that we will pursue. I desire to pursue what He pursues because it leads to life.

The prayer:

Lord, living Father God, I don’t want my mind to be set on my own interests. I acknowledge I’ve had it set on my own interests. Please help me to change it and please write your law upon my mind. I don’t want to be a stumbling block to your work in me and in your church. When I die to self interests I no longer think on them. Please allow your Holy Spirit to change my mind, I am willing. Father, I am willing. I cry out with my heart and ask you to do this. Help me to think like Jesus did. I desire and choose to be wholehearted for you. Thank you, Father, for always hearing my prayer. May this be done for your glory and your name’s sake.

Be blessed.

